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Life Lessons: 4 - Steak Skills

Friday, 21 March 2014

Raw Rare Medium Well Done Steak

Today's Lesson: Raw, Rare, Medium & Well Done

I know its a little late now that 'Steak & Blowjob' day is over but the situation you find yourself in today's lesson involves gastronomy

Texture & look
Whether you're at a BBQ or cooking for friends, if they all ask for their steak differently then you might struggle. Say the menu for the evening is steak but everyone's being a little picky, you like yours rare, your significant other prefers medium rare & your uncouth guests think that they want it well done. 

The technique shown in the image is used by chefs & cooks alike. Start off with a hot pan, a little oil, per-seasoned slabs of meat & sealed the steak on both sides by turing it in the pan.

Periodically test the texture & feel of the meat with your finger during cooking, the resistance you receive can tell you at what stage it is at. 

For example: feel the texture of the muscle in your hand below your thumb, as show in the images. Touch your hand with your fingers relaxed & out stretched, if your steak feels similar then is Raw. 

Now touch your first finger & thumb together & touch the muscle, if your steak offers a little more resistance then its approaching rare. 

Continue down, touching each finger together, all the way through to your little finger. When you touch your little finger the muscle is tense & if your steak is similar in texture then it well done. 

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