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Life Lessons: 5 - Opening a Bottle with a Lighter & Wine with a Shoe

Friday, 28 March 2014

Warning: Once you learn this trick, you will be able to open a beer bottle with anything & may get asked to open ever drink at the house party....

Today's lesson: How to open a beer bottle with a lighter

You can use pretty much anything that is relatively strong enough to lever the metal cap off. A lighter is just typically used, as it’s readily available, smokers will have one to hand & it is perfectly sized.

Critical points:

- Tight Grip around the bottle

- Base of the lighter positioned in contact with the underside of the bottle cap

- Position of your hand

- Grip

The explanation behind the answer is simply that the resultant force behind lighter is greater than the upward force below the bottle cap, using the lighter a the lever & your finger around the bottle as an offset pivot point. 

 Video that clearly explains it: 

 Once you pop you cant stop: 

I currently have a competition going with friends to see who can use to most creative item, join in and post a pick. 



Opening Wine with a shoe, I have been guaranteed by friends that this is possible, not much more to be said, if you don’t have corkscrew but do have a shoe then you’re sorted. Check out the video:

Check out my other posts:

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